LSUL2004 L@ti-View - Syncro (UL) based panels - 4 panel license
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LSUL2004 L@ti-View - Syncro (UL) based panels - 4 panel license

Código de producto:0101-02820

Standard Features

  • L@ti-View works with L@titude, FireNET and FireNET Plus panels.
  • Reports configuration mismatch errors –ensuring that the graphics system is properly maintained and updated whenever there are any panel configuration revisions
  • Powerful event log filtering and reporting
  • Manage the state of the fire system using a combination of graphical images and system controls
  • Programmable macro buttons to perform panel control operations
  • Full map navigation using configurable buttons or map areas
  • Device analog value reporting
  • Perform device and zone disablements /enablements
  • Operate and restore loop output devices for testing purposes
  • Dual screen support for clarity 

keywords Lati-View, L@ti-View, Lati, View, L@tiview, latiview, lati-view