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- FNLCDSUS00R024 2015 Ed. Serial Annunciator, Red for FireNET and FireNET Plus FACP

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FNLCDSUS00R024 2015 Ed. Serial Annunciator, Red for FireNET and FireNET Plus FACP
Código de producto:0100-15670
- UL 864 9th Edition Listed
- Large 320 character liquid crystal display (8 line x 40 character) allows viewing of system status
- LED indicators for Fire, Supervisory Alarm, Pre-Alarm, Fire Output Active, AC Power On, On Test,Panel Sounder Silenced, Delay Active, More Events, Point Bypassed, General Trouble, Power Trouble,System Trouble & NAC Trouble
- Same controls as the FireNET® fire panel (Reset, Panel Sounder Silence, Lamp Test, Alarm Silence,Re-sound Alarm, Fire Drill, Programmable Function, More Events, More Fire Events, Enter & Exit) Up to 15 FN-LCD-S serial annunciators may be connected to a FireNET® control panel or network annunciator®