Hochiki Detector Technology


Hochiki's detection sensor's structure, designed to capture scattered light, has been optimized through optical simulation. This enhances sensitivity to flaming black smoke with small particles while reducing sensitivity to smoldering white smoke with larger particles. As a result, the sensor achieves balanced sensitivity across various fire types, enabling early and accurate fire detection. Additionally, its low sensitivity to large-particle steam significantly reduces the likelihood of false alarms when steam is present.

3Flat Response

Flat response and flat sensitivity are key characteristics in fire detection systems, ensuring sensors respond uniformly to various types of fire smoke. These features are essential for accurately identifying different fire scenarios, regardless of whether the smoke comes from burning wood, plastic, fabric, or other materials.

 Key Concepts:


  1. Flat Response: This means the detector responds consistently to different types of smoke without significant variation, ensuring no particular type of smoke is over or underrepresented.


  2. Flat Sensitivity: This refers to the detector's ability to maintain consistent sensitivity levels across various types of smoke, ensuring reliable detection performance regardless of the smoke's source.